Life means continuous change – for our skin as well. Over the years, it changes, loses its elasticity and volume. Once the first small wrinkles and contour changes appear, many people start thinking about a wrinkle treatment.
A particularly gentle form of facial rejuvenation is the so-called liquid lifting with Sculptra. For this treatment method, we use polylactic acid fillers against wrinkles.
Polylactic acid is no classic volume-enhancing filler but rather a bio-stimulator which triggers the skin’s own regenerative processes and stimulates the new formation of collagen. So the skin regenerates from within.
We here in Nuremberg use Sculptra in order to tighten and bolster sagging parts of the face. The skin quality is improved, visible wrinkles are being smoothed. The complexion as a whole will appear fresher, more radiant, and sustainably rejuvenated.
Your Sculptra treatment benefits in Nuremberg
- Gentle and practically painless treatment
- Skin renewal is sustainably stimulated
- No change in facial features
- No application of artificial fillers
- Long-lasting results
- Comprehensive personal consultation
- Individual planning your Sculptra treatment
Your Experts for a Sculptra treatment
FAQ on Sculptra
What is Sculptra?
Sculptra is a winkle treatment method using polylactic acid fillers. These are not volume-enhancing fillers in the classic sense. Rather, the polylactic acid triggers the skin’s own regeneration processes so that your facial skin will renew and rejuvenate itself from within. That’s why the Sculptra treatment is also called liquid lifting.
How does Sculptra work?
During the Sculptra treatment, we are working with polylactic acid, a so-called bio-stimulator. This is injected into those facial areas which due to age have lost part of their firmness; there, it stimulates collagen forming.
With the Sculptra treatment, we achieve two effects. Thanks to the moisture contained, the skin immediately appears to be bolstered; this, however, is only a transitory effect. But at the same time, the polylactic acid stimulates the skin’s own regeneration processes. After a few weeks, the skin will appear firmer, fuller, and fresher.
Who may benefit from Sculptra?
A Sculptra treatment is suitable for all who would like to freshen up their complexion gently or for those who are looking for a gentle anti-wrinkle treatment. Sculptra is also an excellent choice for you if you do not want any artificial fillers. The rejuvenating and tightening effect is achieved exclusively via the body’s own collagen buildup without having to fill up the wrinkles artificially.
A precondition for a Sculptra treatment in Nuremberg is a healthy skin without acute infections or inflammations. You should have a healthy immune system and no propensity for increased scar formation. If you are not sure whether Sculptra might be appropriate for you, please consult us.
How is a Sculptra treatment carried out?
Prior to the Sculptra treatment, there will be a comprehensive personal consultation. One of our medical specialists will ask you about what you hope the treatment will bring about and will advise you on the appropriate treatment methods. Then, your treatment will be individually planned for you. We will also advise you in detail about possible side effects or risks.
The treatment itself will last about half an hour. The facial skin is disinfected and numbed superficially using an anaesthetic ointment. Next, the treating medical specialist will inject the polylactic acid into the skin, resulting in a slight yet immediate increase in volume.
After the treatment, you will be presentable again immediately. The volume-enhancing effect resulting from the moisture content will slowly reduce over the next few days. Simultaneously, the polylactic acid starts having an effect, stimulating the new formation of collagen.
The treatment will be repeated several times at 6–8 week intervals. A few weeks after the second session, you should already be able to perceive visible results. About 2–3 months after finishing the treatments, we will be able to evaluate the final result here in Nuremberg.
Which results can be achieved by means of a Sculptra treatment?
With Sculptra, we are able to sustainably freshen and rejuvenate the complexion. What happens is a basic skin renewal so that wrinkles smoothen and get bolstered. Since with Sculptra, we are not using any volume-enhancing fillers, absolutely natural results are ensured.
How long does a Sculptra treatment last?
Per treatment, you should set aside about half an hour. If more time is needed for your specific area of application, our respective medical specialist will inform you about this during the personal consultation.
Depending on the skin condition and the desired result, we recommend a treatment series consisting of 2–4 sessions; individual cases may require more. Subsequently, the result can be maintained by means of regular refreshment treatment sessions.
What is important following a Sculptra treatment?
After a Sculptra treatment, you should not engage in any intensive physical activity for about one week. During this time, you should also protect your skin against sunlight and heat. We thus recommend to temporarily suspend sports, sauna and solarium visits as well as to avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
Immediately after the treatment, there my be a slight swelling and/or reddening of the skin. In individual cases, there may be small visible bruises at the injection points. Careful cooling should counteract such slight aftereffects. In the meantime, you can also cover visible traces of the treatment by means of make-up.
What are the advantages of Sculptra compared to other treatment methods?
Sculptra is a gentle, practically pain-free and at the same time long-lasting method for facial skin rejuvenation. In contrast to a classic filler treatment, we are not creating an artificial volume, but the tightening and volume-enhancing effect comes from within, via the increased collage production. Thus, the face appears naturally rejuvenated after the treatment. There will be no alteration of you facial features.
A Sculptra treatment with us in Nuremberg will last up to 2 years, sometimes even longer. Thus, the effect is much longer-lasting than with many other anti-wrinkle methods. By means of regular refreshment sessions, the lifting effect may be maintained for the long term.
Feel free to pay for your treatment in instalments. Here you can find further information about Financing.
Arrange a consultation appointment!
Nürnberger Klinik für
Ästhetisch-Plastische Chirurgie
Sibeliusstr. 15
90491 Nürnberg
+49 911 95 96 10
+49 911 9596 130
Opening hours
Monday – Thursday | 8 am – 6 pm |
Friday | 8 am – 5 pm |