Our treatments may sometimes even take place on an outpatient basis and comprise the following:
Beauty in Intimate Places: Aesthetics Without Taboo
Women have a highly sensitive relationship with their most private body parts. These intimate zones are at the centre of leading sexuality and sensuality to fulfilment and satisfaction; revealing them is proof of greatest trust and confidence. Contrasting with this importance is a wide-spread shyness about dealing with symptoms which may well be natural but still be felt to be annoying.
So it is not at all a rare occurrence that labia or mons pubis are too large or too small, either by nature or in the course of time, due to pregnancy or hormonal adjustments.
Since the labia fulfil important physical functions – such as closing off the genital opening, protecting the vagina against infections or drying-out – it is important that their shape and size is up to the task. What’s just as important for one’s physical well-being is that there are no irritations or troubles in everyday activities nor during sports or sex.
Of course, we at the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery are very aware that aesthetics plays an important role: If you don’t perceive the proportions of your intimate area as optimal, you will often have reservations to show yourself in the nude. This does not have to be limited to sex; going to the sauna or taking a shower at the gym may also feel like a burden. Even wearing particularly figure-hugging clothes may be a trigger for feeling uncomfortable – and so you don’t do what in fact should be fun.
So aesthetical, functional and psychological factors may play a role when considering a correction of one’s intimate body parts. At our Nürnberger Klinik for aesthetic and plastic surgery, by just small operations in the intimate body zone, we want to help women (re-)develop an improved body perception, remove the cause for potentially occurring pain and enable them to live a more satisfied life taking full advantage of their femininity and sensuality.
Of course, our entire team at the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is prepared to advise our patients on this particularly sensitive decision, providing optimum treatment, care and support based on our long-standing experience.
Please talk to us – we’ll be happy to advise you with empathy and discreetly about the opportunities and options of gentle interventions in this highly sensitive area. Please feel free to contact us about this.
Your Expert for Intimate Surgery
Feel free to pay for your treatment in instalments. Here you can find further information about Financing.
Arrange a consultation appointment!
Nürnberger Klinik für
Ästhetisch-Plastische Chirurgie
Sibeliusstr. 15
90491 Nürnberg
+49 911 95 96 10
+49 911 9596 130
Opening hours
Monday – Thursday | 8 am – 6 pm |
Friday | 8 am – 5 pm |